There is no demographic profile for Chalmette from the 1990 Census but they estimate the population to be 31, 860. Below is the 2000 Census Demographic Profile.
2000 Data
The Census data for 2000 tells us that Chalmette has 12,896 total housing units. There is approximately 7.9 square miles that make up Chalmette. Therefore, the total housing units per square mile was 1,632.41.
Here is the 2000 Census information broken down by category.
According to the 2000 Census, 94.2% of Chalmette’s population was white. All of these numbers refer to people who are that race alone or in combination with another race. African-Americans accounted for 2.6% of the total population, American Indians and Alaska Native counted for only .9%, Asians made up 2.4%, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders were only .1% and other races refers to 1.5% of the population. It is interesting that Hispanics are not given their own category.
As of 2000 the population in Chalmette was 48.6% male and 51.4% female.
People under the age of 18 made up 23.7% of the population, people 18 to 24 years old made up 10%, people aged 25 to 44 made up 28.1% of the population, people between the ages of 45 and 64 account for 23.9% of the population and people 65 years old or older consist of 14.3% of the population of Chalmette. The median age for the entire population is 37.3 years old with the median age for males being a little lower at 35.6 and the female median age a little higher at 39 years old.
In between 81 and 83% of the population between the ages of 25 and 64 have a high school education or higher. The numbers vary however when one looks at who has a bachelor’s degree or higher. Of the people aged 25-34 13.6% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Of the people aged 35-44 the rate is lower at 8.9% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. People aged 45-64 12.2% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Finally, the percentage of the population over age 65 with a bachelor’s degree or higher is the lowest at 4.3.
The median household income in Chalmette according to the 2000 Census was $36,699. The mean was $45,132. In married-couple families the median was $50,085 and the mean was $59,053. For female householders where there is no husband present the numbers are lower with the median being $27,137 and mean $30,449. The nonfamily households have a median income of $19,241 and a mean income of $24,509.
National Origins-
Of the roughly 32,000 citizens of Chalmette, 25,935 specified an ancestry. Forty-three point four percent, 13,927 people identified as being of single ancestry. Less, 37.4% of the population identified as being of multiple ancestry accounting for 12,008 individuals. Nineteen point two percent of the population, 6,145 people, did not classify themselves.
The 2000 Census measures the population five years and older by the language spoken at home and their ability to speak English. The majority of the population, 92.3% speaks only English while 7.7% speaks a language other than English. Spanish speakers with various levels of English account for 3.61% of the population. Speakers of other Indo-European languages with various levels of English make up 2.2% of the population. Speakers of Asian and Pacific Island languages with various levels of English are 1.23% of the population. Speakers of other languages with various levels of English make up 1.23% of the population.
2007 Data
There was not a demographic profile for 1990 or 2005 on the Census Demographic Profile. Instead we used which gave us a detailed demographic profile for 2007. We chose this as a reliable website because when this website compares the 2007 figure (usually in parenthesis following the figure) to a figure from 2000 the data is the same as the Census 2007 data. The demographic profile from the website estimates the population of Chalmette to be 9,491. This is an incredibly significant decline in the population figure given for the Census 2000 demographic data. An important thing to consider when looking at this decline is the occurrence of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Chalmette was significantly destroyed by Katrina. Most of the population that did come back did not begin returning until 2006. Chalmette is still recovering from the damages down by Katrina. Just last weekend a church reopened for the first time since 2005. Since a significant amount of damage was done to Chalmette and rebuilding is still being done, some people may not have returned because their homes were completely destroyed. The population density is estimated to be 1293 people per square mile. ( estimates Chalmette to be 7.23 square miles rather than the Census estimate of 7.9.) The average household size is 2.6 people and there are 71.6 % family households out of total households in Chalmette.
Here is the 2007 demographic data broken down by categories:
The gender percentages for this population are 48.6% males and 51.4% females.
There data estimated the median resident age of Chalmette to be 37.3 years.
The estimated median household income for the residents of Chalmette was $45,355 as compared to $36,699 in 2000. They break it down even further by estimating the per capita income to be $22,402.
The racial demographic profile claims that 89.2% of Chalmette population is White Non-Hispanic, 4.8% Hispanic, 2.4% African American, 1.7% two or more races. Smaller percentages for races are 0.9 % for both people who fall under the “other race” category and American Indians. The Vietnamese and Asian Indian percentages are both estimated to be 0.6%.
This website collects education levels for those over the age of 25 years. 76% of the population over 24 has received a high school diploma or higher The numbers significantly decrease with higher degrees, estimating only 10 % have received a bachelor’s degree or higher and 3.4% have received a graduate or professional degree.
Poverty Rate:
The estimated employment percentage for people in Chalmette over the age of 25 is 5.4%. It also states that the estimated mean travel time to work is 26.7 minutes which suggests that a significant amount of Chalmette leave the community for their job. The data estimates that there was only 12.0% of the population below the poverty level in 2000 and only 5.9% was below 50% of the poverty level.
National Origins and Languages:
Chalmette’s ancestry is not any one significant group. Chalmette’s origin is 27.5% French, 22.4% Italian, 19.1% German, 12.7% Irish, 6.7 % United States and 4.5 % English. It is interesting to see this website have United States considered to be an ancestry category.
Another interesting demographic statistic to look at in the Chalmette community is that 87% of their population is affiliated with the Catholic Church.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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